WalHen Properties Blog

The WalHen Story

The WalHen Story

Every business has a start-up story... This is ours.

Who would have ever thought?!?!

I come from a small town outside of Athens, GA - where I grew up learning that “The Tide” were the bad guys. Early in high school, a good friend of mine brought me to Tuscaloosa for an Alabama game and I immediately knew this is where I wanted to attend for college. I wanted to be a part of THE Alabama Crimson Tide. About a month into school, I meet a guy by the name of Smith Hendricks. Quickly, we became great friends and realized we both have a strong entrepreneurial drive and work ethic. Over the next few months, we joked around about one day starting a business of our own.

After that conversation dying down in a world of uncertainty throughout COVID-19, we both put the new venture idea on the back burner. We both were working good jobs in Tuscaloosa and getting to enjoy our college lives - and life was good - but not good enough. I saw a need and an opportunity in Tuscaloosa, along with many other college towns and thought who could be more perfect to fix that problem than Smith and me? Smith comes from a long-standing top rental and management company and I come from a top producing real estate group in the nation. Our knowledge and skills were an invaluable asset, so we instantly knew we had to join forces. As we wrap up our senior year of college, we are excited to introduce WalHen Properties to the Tuscaloosa market. The days of coming into a college town and talking to four different landlords and deciding between twenty different properties are now over. We are YOUR one-stop-shop for all your real estate needs!

- Haynes Waldo